Monday, August 20, 2007


My passion and research is on optimal outdoor environments for young children and as I listened to Konrad using a model for great public places - I made many connections to my own research. In the process of publishing a booklet on Optimal Outdoor Environements for young children in early childhood settings and the heading used in the bookelt are written from a young child's perspective but are applicable to an online education environment (red italics just making the application clearer). They are:
· Time to play
· A variety of spaces and areas
· To be physically active (involved)
· Risk taking opportunities yet to feel secure
· To have contact with nature and the natural world (explore wider internet world and others views)
· Rich sensory experiences (the visual and auditory scenery of the online environment)
· Opportunity to create, rearrange and transport
· Adults that value the outdoors and will engage with me (my teachers value the online environment and participate)

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